- 크롬에서 console 여는 단축키: option + commd + J
- R E P L : Read Evaluate Print Loop
- NaN : Not a Number
- a numeric value that represents sth that is not a number....
- 0/0 --> NaN
- 1+NaN --> NaN
- const: 한번 정한 값을 바꿀수없음 constant variable임
- var: old way of making variables
- Boolean: True or False
- .trim(): space 부분 없애줌
- toLowerCase()
- toUpperCase()
- convention naming: 첫단어는 lowercase; ex) highScore
- indexOf() : The indexOf() method, given one argument: a substring to search for, searches the entire calling string, and returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring. Given a second argument: a number, the method returns the first occurrence of the specified substring at an index greater than or equal to the specified number.
- .slice(): 잘라서 새로운 string을 만듬
- .replace():
- .replace('a', 'b') 맨 처음 a 문자만를 대체함
- .replaceAll(): 모든 해당 문자를 대체함 -> 쓸수있는 브라우저는 제한적
- .repeat(n): n번 반복
String Template Literals
- template literals are strings that allow embedded expressions, which will be evaluated and then turned into a resulting string
- `I counted ${3+4} sheep`
- back-ticks `` 사용 (tab 키 윗키)
- ${....}
- `I counted ${3+4} sheep`
Undefined & Null
- Null: international absence of any value
- must be assigned
- value is explicitly nothing
- Undefined
- Variables that do not have an assigned value
Math Object
- contains properties and methods for mathematical constants and functions
- Math.floor() : 올림
- Math.ceil(): 내림
- Math.random(): 랜덤 숫자를 생성
- random integers 생성하는 법